business development
recording engineers
tech support



•Help Wanted,
•Partners Wanted.

Musicians & Artists (of all kinds)

We are always interested in knowing about quality performers of all kinds to appear on various productions we are developing.   We also like to write/co-write and produce tracks or whole albums for artists working in music, visual, dance, film and new media areas. We are committed to exploring the marriage of music and sound in all media.

The Art of Business/Business of Art

Many people call and ask how they might get involved. Currently the main area of need for us is outreach & business.

The lines are blurring and new kinds of partnerships are developing between artist, producer, agent and distributor. REVsound's main activity is creating content. We seek alliances with those whose art is BIZNISS - promotion, distributing, agreements, representation, etc. Meaningful work and breaking new ground can apply to all parts of the chain.

If you like to do these things as much as we like to do our things - talk to us!

Recording Engineers (freelance or partner basis):

REVsound respects that a command of the fine points of informed audio engineering are of immense value to the final effect of any production.  We have come to believe that this is a rare quality and are always eager to meet special people who can bring expertise to a team effort on a project basis. Whoever is out there of like mind and  deep skills -we want to know you!  

For established pros teaming on projects we offer fair market value rates. We also seek an engineer interested in developing a residency relationship..

For engineers earlier in their career, we are open to discussing other bases for working together.

System Techs
(Projects & Development Labs)

With so many developments and upgrades on the go, we engage in research, version upgrades, compatibility tuning and configuration projects. Specialized technicians are of great value to us, and we have found that sharing ideas between engineers, programmers and technicians provide a great professional development opportunity for all.  Please contact us if you have specialized hard skills in Logic, Macs, Windows, plug-ins, Pro Tools, wiring, acoustics, etc., and are interested in participating.





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20 Brockton Avenue, Unit 7, Toronto, Ontario M6K 1S5
Ph/Fx 416.531.2453