tish amour
more video clips
more music clips
3 way film sample


Sound Painting
(a film about "Live Composition" )
ARTIST: Tina Newlove &
Gary Justice

Tina Newlove

Video Clips
soundpPV.mov  (QuickTime) Preview (2:00)
soundp.mov  (QuickTime) Full Version (16:50)

Painting: Tina Newlove  
Music: Gary Justice
DIrected & Prod: Gary Justice



The Life of Susie Wong

Susie Wong


For this TV series pilot, the producer did an episode on REVsound, which led to us writing the theme music for the overall series. In showing the pilot to the industry, Susie secured a job with Fox TV N.Y. where she now hosts a childrens series.

Video Clips  
SusieMusic  (QuickTime)

(See more Projects below)

The Uncensored Adventures Of Tish Amour

(Theme music underscore & audio post for animation satire series)

tish movie star

On her big escape from planet Earth to  planet "Funktopia," Tish's adventures are shared with her cohorts who include "Mastermind Behind" a computer entity,  and jazzcats "Chichi" and "Lemieux"  a pair of feline beatnik sax players.

  Video Clips  parental advisory
Tish.mov  (QuickTime)
Tish.wmv  (Win Media Player)

Music Clips
 Funktopia Theme (mp3)
Wild Ride Alternate Theme (mp3)

Contributors: Concept created & produced by Bruce Macmillan/Dark Star Entertainment  
Original music and sound design by REVsound

Theme for Radio Ad Campaign

salvation army  

Composed for "Together We Can,"
a Salvation Army community housing project.

Together We Can (mp3)  
B. Walsh, G. Justice

Reach Out (mp3)  
G. Justice, B. Walsh

Featuring vocalists:  Rachel Berry, Kevin Braithwaite, Wade O. Brown, Gary Justice, Tuku Mathews, Bernie Walsh and Kesha Wint

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More Video Clips

cookie rolls
Cookie Rolls TV Commercial

U8TV (The Lofters)  TV Series



Win Media Player

Win Media Player


Candy  Animation Music Video

ScotiaBank  TV Commercial



Win Media Player

Win Media Player

Composers: Paul Sheehan, Gary Justice, Brian D'oliviera
Visuals: Avia Productions, U8TV, Brian Montenegro

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More Music Clips

L'estrie mp3 (4:22)
Tango Silhouette  mp3 (1:08)

Soft For You  mp3 (1:33)
Marvina mp3 (2:15)

TV Shorts
Hips 1  mp3 (00:11)
Hips 2  mp3 (00:44)
Intrigue 1  mp3 (00:17)
Intrigue 2  mp3 (00:32)
Sat Night in Love  mp3 (00:45)

Cultured Shorts
Piano Bridge  mp3 (00:16)
Quartet 1  mp3 (00:13)
Quartet 2  mp3 (00:35)
Blaro mp3 (00:11)
Jello mp3 (00:40)

Ulana V  mp3 (01:10)
Aao-Kurrio mp3 (00:33)
Something New  mp3 (00:31)
Charles Nash  mp3 (00:58)

A Bit Bent
OOM mp3 (04:17)
Pitch mp3 (01:31)
Paolo's Party  mp3 (02:17)
Boat Bellows  mp3 (00:24)
CKLN ID 1  mp3 (00:16)
CKLN ID 2  mp3 (00:30)

Urban Vocal
Agenda mp3 (01:32)
Garden mp3 (01:18)

Unstylish Vocal
Wind in New Orleans mp3 (03:35)
She's So Strong  mp3 (03:35)

Composers /Producers:   Gary Justice, Gabe Lee, Paul Sheehan, Blair Martin and Brian Allossery

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3 Ways To Score A Film Sequence

double blind1 Mental Approach

double blind2 Physical Approach

double blind3 Emotional Approach




Win Media Player

Win Media Player

Win Media Player

This feature film, "Double Blind" presented us with a situation where the sequence was intriguing while the action was somewhat static, requiring us to create options for how this would be handled. We decided to create three approaches, highlighting the mental, physical or emotinal aspects of the situation. The character featured in the sequence is Larry, who is infatuated with the woman next door and who is also becoming increasingly paranoid about his wife having an affair with the same woman's husband.  Larry is seen here rigging a baby monitor to recieve in the same frequency as the other couple's baby monitor, so as to listen in on their conversation. By highlighting mental, physical or emotional aspects we were able to underline Larry's paranoia, making him seem more like the disruptive force, or create empathy with him in his sense of losing his romantic hold on his wife.

Music:  Gary Justice
Feature Film:  Double Blind by Jay Ferguson

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Big Rude Jake Rehearsal
at the Cameron, Toronto 2008


Pre-show warm-up footage.

20 Brockton Avenue, Unit 7, Toronto, Ontario M6K 1S5
Ph/Fx 416.531.2453
email: info@revsound.ca